Tuesday, February 20, 2018

What's in store for Social Brew

Hello everyone I hope you all had a fantastic Valentines Day and enjoyed the BOGO event that was happening at the brewery.  We have some big news here at Social Brew, as you should know from visiting our tap room that we don't just have the same ole beer as other breweries do.  We like to shake it up when it comes to the different beers we brew here.  I am happy to announce we have two new beers that will be hitting the taps in our tap room within soon.  The two beers actually go with two different national holidays.  One being national peanut butter day and pistachio day and you guessed it those are the two beers that will be coming out a peanut butter porter and a pistachio brown ale.  we are going to name our peanut butter porter P.B.P. which is short for peanut butter porter.  We are going to name our pistachio brown ale threat level midnight from Michael Scotts movie from the office.  Keep looking for our blog every Tuesday for brewery news and fun facts.  In closing put those phones down and let's get social.

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So my purpose for this blog was to go into more detail about the events that are happening at the brewery. Also background about those event...