Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Erin Go Bragh!

In this blog you are going to be reading about the history of St Patrick's Day. But first you need to know who St Patrick was. St Patrick's real name isn't Patrick, his real name is Maewyn Succat. Another fun fact to impress your friends St. Patrick wasn't even Irish. Another fun fact about St Patrick's day is that the original color was blue but got changed to green because of Irelands nickname of the emerald isle. On March 17th we are actually celebrating the day that St Patrick died. So now we are going back to the main topic of the history of St Patrick's day. Surprisingly the first actually took place in the United States, in Boston in 1737 if you wanted to be more specific. This is some tips that we here at Social Brew will help you have a best St. Paddy's day.  
  • wear green if you don't you will get pinched
  • green beer is not an Irish thing stick to Guinness
  • remember everybody is Irish on St Paddy's day
  • for parties or just sitting home turn on some Irish music 
  • watch an Irish movie like boondock saints or the quiet man
  • but most of all stay safe out there
We are also releasing an Irish stout just in time for St Paddy's day. So come down to the brewery to try it out and a portion of our sales will go to National Association for Music Education.  That organization is in charge of keeping music inside of our schools.  Here at Social Brew most of us has been in band or choir and see the importance of having music in school we are not saying that we were any good but important all the same. To quote Friedrich Nietzsche " Without music , life would be a mistake"   

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So my purpose for this blog was to go into more detail about the events that are happening at the brewery. Also background about those event...